La muerte humana entre la bioética y la antropología de la muerte


  • Ricardo Paulino José Gallardo Díaz Facultad de Medicina, UAEM
  • Javier Jaimes García Facultad de Medicina, UAEM
  • Josefina Torres Galán Facultad de Medicina, Grupo Educativo Siglo XXI


Muerte, Antropología, Bioética, Tanatología


The death of the human being, the greatest dilemma of humanity, for which there is no satisfactory answer and if it has generated the most diverse opinions and explanations: from religions to philosophy and from here to science; without so far there being an answer that answers the doubts of humans. As a fatal fact recognizing the death of the human, it has not always been the task of medicine; for practically this is done from the S. XVIII when the stethoscope was used to prepare the referred diagnosis, obviously countless claims must have occurred in the face of it, for in some places death was recognized until the corpse began to show signs of decomposition. As technology applied to medicine progressed, various ways of clinically and technically integrating the diagnosis of death were designed, At the same time, conflicts related to medical conduct appear, as well as family members due to the absolute fact. With Medical Ethics many dilemmas were solved and with the advent of Bioethics and the new field established with Thanatology is how the field of knowledge around to the death of living beings, considering in this the human being. We intend to approach human death from two points of view: Medical Anthropology and Bioethics, obviously addressing Tanatology as the discipline that currently tries to explain the fatal and absolute fact. 


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How to Cite

Gallardo Díaz, R. P. J., Jaimes García, J., & Torres Galán, J. (2023). La muerte humana entre la bioética y la antropología de la muerte. Vita Brevis, (15), 62–77. Retrieved from