La adopción de la responsabilidad social empresarial por el sector minero internacional


  • Rebeca Orozco Aceves


extractivism, dispossession, corporate social responsibility, social antagonism.


This article shows that the adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) rhetoric by the international mining sectors derives from the opposition and public scrutiny resulting from the social and environmental negative impacts of its operations, mainly in countries of the capitalist periphery. For mining sector, CSR has been useful to influence the natural resources governance debates, advocating for self-regulation schemes; and to manage conflict with communities affected by its operation. Although studies of the historic and conceptual development of CSR emphasize ethical and moral values as its main drivers, this article shows that social antagonism has played a key role in the private sector’s involvement and supposed contribution to social causes and community development. In a context of accelerated extractivism as an economic development strategy in most Latin America countries and an imperative to expand the extractive frontier, CSR has been useful to manage social antagonism that has, in different intensities, blocked and/or interrupted its advance.


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