Ethnography in times of violence


  • Florence Rosemberg


Violence, ethics, ethnography, field work, emotions.


The current prevalence of violence affects the lives of many Mexicans, some experiencing it directly, others only as spectators of the horror of death, disappearances and the many other forms of violence that intervene in the different landscapes of life throughout Mexico. This article has two primary objectives: the first, to present a range of views from some prominent anthropologists who have questioned the reasons for violence from different angles; the second is to analyze, illustrate and explain the difficulties that can occur when doing field work in times, spaces and geographies where violence is prevelant, as well as promoting the need for the emotional care of anthropologists when facing, living and writing their ethnographies.


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How to Cite

Rosemberg, F. (2020). Ethnography in times of violence. Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 26(76), 153–174. Retrieved from



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