The use of pre-coated Japanese paper to stabilize documents from the Hemeroteca Nacional de México: Incorporating techniques and materials from the International Course on Paper Conservation in Latin America: Meeting East


  • Angélica Ángeles Rodríguez Hemeroteca Nacional de México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Palabras clave:

stabilization, pre-coated Japanese paper, hemerography


The Hemeroteca Nacional de México (HNM) documentary collection presents several problems for its preservation
due to its large volume of documents, accelerated growth, high demand for consultation, few specialized personnel,
the characteristics of the constituent materials, and deterioration of its collection. In order to solve these problems,
it was necessary to implement minimal processes to stabilize the documents for their use. In order to carry out these
treatments, based on the specific needs of the hemerographic printed material, the pre-coated Japanese paper was
used to avoid or minimize the use of water in direct conservation operations. Likewise, as part of the academic activities
focused on designing and improving HNM’s conservation processes, the knowledge from the International Course on
Paper Conservation in Latin America: Meeting East, and its recent 2020 online seminar, was applied to the development
of non-aqueous stabilization activities for the collection.


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Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas (2020) Hemeroteca Nacional de México: panorama actual y futuro inmediato [online video], available in: < videos/2822034164736396/> [accessed on January 13, 2021].

Odor, Alejandra (2013) Las tintas ferrogálicas: su historia, deterioro y estabilización, tesis de Licenciatura en Restauración de Bienes Muebles, Ciudad de México, Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografía “Manuel del Castillo Negrete”, available in: < islandora/object/tesis%3A905> [accessed on January 13, 2021].

Ogden, Sherelyn (2000) El manual de preservación de bibliotecas y archivos del Northeast Document Conservation Center, Santiago de Chile, Centro Nacional de Conservación y Restauración DIBAM [electronic document], available in: < nedcc.pdf> [accessed on January 13, 2021].

Secretaría de Economía y Dirección General de Normas (2019) Norma Mexicana NMX-R-100-SCFI-2018. Acervos documentales-Lineamientos para su preservación [pdf], available in: < files/quienes-somos/preservacion-documental/norma-mexicana-preservacion-documental.pdf> [accessed on January 13, 2021].




Cómo citar

Ángeles Rodríguez, A. (2023). The use of pre-coated Japanese paper to stabilize documents from the Hemeroteca Nacional de México: Incorporating techniques and materials from the International Course on Paper Conservation in Latin America: Meeting East. CR. Conservación Y Restauración, (24), 299–300. Recuperado a partir de



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